

During a Whiton University's pledge week, the carefree partying turns deadly when brutal murders start befalling the students, sending Ellery into a race against time to uncover the truth behind the school's dark secrets and the horrifying meaning of a recurring symbol: a single exclamation mark.

Release Date: 2021-05-07

Rating: 5.2 votes(133)

Init!ation : Trailer

Init!ation : Storyline

During a Whiton University's pledge week, the carefree partying turns deadly when brutal murders start befalling the students, sending Ellery into a race against time to uncover the truth behind the school's dark secrets and the horrifying meaning of a recurring symbol: a single exclamation mark.

Tagline:He pledges to hunt you down.

Genres: Horror| Mystery|

Init!ation : Details

Release Date: 2021-05-07

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 96
