El cazador de dragones

El cazador de dragones

Gorka has long postponed again and again the answer to the pressing questions that his son Aitor asks about his past. Gorka, a member of ETA political-military until its dissolution in the early eighties, ends joining the guerrillas in Central America. A life experience shared with Maddalen, a nurse and committed Christian, with José, an indigenous guerrilla member, and Andrés a former military, head of the insurrection. An experience that will transform them all.

Release Date: 2012-08-31

Rating: 4.8 votes(5)

El cazador de dragones : Trailer

El cazador de dragones : Storyline

Gorka has long postponed again and again the answer to the pressing questions that his son Aitor asks about his past. Gorka, a member of ETA political-military until its dissolution in the early eighties, ends joining the guerrillas in Central America. A life experience shared with Maddalen, a nurse and committed Christian, with José, an indigenous guerrilla member, and Andrés a former military, head of the insurrection. An experience that will transform them all.

Genres: Drama|

El cazador de dragones : Details

Release Date: 2012-08-31

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 94
