Flight 7500

Flight 7500

Flight 7500 departs Los Angeles International Airport bound for Tokyo. As the overnight flight makes its way over the Pacific Ocean during its ten-hour course, the passengers encounter what appears to be a supernatural force in the cabin.

Release Date: 2014-05-16

Rating: 4.879 votes(518)

Flight 7500 : Trailer

Flight 7500 : Storyline

Flight 7500 departs Los Angeles International Airport bound for Tokyo. As the overnight flight makes its way over the Pacific Ocean during its ten-hour course, the passengers encounter what appears to be a supernatural force in the cabin.

Tagline:At 30,000 feet. There's Nowhere to Run.

Genres: Thriller| Horror| Mystery|

Flight 7500 : Details

Release Date: 2014-05-16

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 79
