Jamaica Inn

Jamaica Inn

In coastal Cornwall, England, during the early 19th Century, a young woman who's come there to visit her aunt, discovers that she's married an innkeeper who's a member of a gang of criminals who arrange shipwrecking and murder for profit.

Release Date: 1939-05-11

Rating: 6 votes(203)

Jamaica Inn : Trailer

Jamaica Inn : Storyline

In coastal Cornwall, England, during the early 19th Century, a young woman who's come there to visit her aunt, discovers that she's married an innkeeper who's a member of a gang of criminals who arrange shipwrecking and murder for profit.

Tagline:He ruled Jamaica Inn...citadel of sin on the moors, curse-ridden, shunned, reviled. Enough sensations for a dozen pictures. Laughton at his most magnificent.

Genres: Crime| History| Adventure| Thriller|

Jamaica Inn : Details

Release Date: 1939-05-11

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 108
