Leopard Huntress

Leopard Huntress

When a vicious fight with the Male leopard results in her cub's death, Malika must reinvent herself after the loss. In the battle to survive she faces dangerous enemies and must hunt way outside her comfort zone. Her desperation inspires ingenious new ambush techniques and each success slowly rebuilds her confidence till she has the courage to face her enemies and regain her former glory.

Release Date: 2018-03-06

Rating: 9 votes(1)

Leopard Huntress : Trailer

Leopard Huntress : Storyline

When a vicious fight with the Male leopard results in her cub's death, Malika must reinvent herself after the loss. In the battle to survive she faces dangerous enemies and must hunt way outside her comfort zone. Her desperation inspires ingenious new ambush techniques and each success slowly rebuilds her confidence till she has the courage to face her enemies and regain her former glory.

Genres: Documentary| TV Movie|

Leopard Huntress : Details

Release Date: 2018-03-06

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 50