An apocalyptic story set in the furthest reaches of our planet, in a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, and most everyone is crazed fighting for the necessities of life. Within this world exist two rebels on the run who just might be able to restore order.
Release Date: 2015-05-13
Rating: 7.616 votes(22577)
An apocalyptic story set in the furthest reaches of our planet, in a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, and most everyone is crazed fighting for the necessities of life. Within this world exist two rebels on the run who just might be able to restore order.
Tagline:The future belongs to the mad.
Genres: Action| Adventure| Science Fiction|
Release Date: 2015-05-13
Movie Revenue: $378858340
Movie Runtime: 121
Mad Max: Fury Road Box Office Collection: $150000000