Mga Mister ni Rosario

Mga Mister ni Rosario

How far will you go for art's sake? Yogi Juan, Philippine Showbiz's Golden Boy, takes every role seriously. His devoted housewife Sari supports him and role-plays along. But when Sari learns that Yogi's upcoming role is a serial killer, can she revise the morbid fate that awaits her?

Release Date: 2018-05-09

Rating: 0 votes(0)

Mga Mister ni Rosario : Trailer

Mga Mister ni Rosario : Storyline

How far will you go for art's sake? Yogi Juan, Philippine Showbiz's Golden Boy, takes every role seriously. His devoted housewife Sari supports him and role-plays along. But when Sari learns that Yogi's upcoming role is a serial killer, can she revise the morbid fate that awaits her?

Genres: Romance| Comedy|

Mga Mister ni Rosario : Details

Release Date: 2018-05-09

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 94