Mors lilla Olle

Mors lilla Olle

Olle, five years old, lives with his two dads in a home where he has everything any child could ever dream of. One night, just after Olle has gone to sleep, they receive a visit from an uninvited guest who has anything but good intentions.

Release Date: 2017-12-31

Rating: 5 votes(1)

Mors lilla Olle : Trailer

Mors lilla Olle : Storyline

Olle, five years old, lives with his two dads in a home where he has everything any child could ever dream of. One night, just after Olle has gone to sleep, they receive a visit from an uninvited guest who has anything but good intentions.

Genres: Horror|

Mors lilla Olle : Details

Release Date: 2017-12-31

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 10