No Word For Worry

No Word For Worry

As a sea nomad, Hook grew up with the ocean as his universe. Now he must make a courageous voyage to salvage the remains of his dying culture

Release Date: 2014-11-20

Rating: 0 votes(0)

No Word For Worry : Trailer

No Word For Worry : Storyline

As a sea nomad, Hook grew up with the ocean as his universe. Now he must make a courageous voyage to salvage the remains of his dying culture

Tagline:Hook is one of the last sea nomads; a young man now being forced to undertake a perilous voyage to salvage the remains of his culture, and try to create the foundation for a sustainable lifestyle for his peers.

Genres: Adventure| Documentary| Drama| History|

No Word For Worry : Details

Release Date: 2014-11-20

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 90
