

The tale of a mythical cowboy who appears in a corrupt logging town (circa 1940s) and with the aid of his slide guitar and a giant Hellbug, he's able to battle the evil Mayor and his equally selfish twin brother to clean up the logging town of Sourdough Creek.

Release Date: 2023-06-13

Rating: 8 votes(1)

Slide : Trailer

Slide : Storyline

The tale of a mythical cowboy who appears in a corrupt logging town (circa 1940s) and with the aid of his slide guitar and a giant Hellbug, he's able to battle the evil Mayor and his equally selfish twin brother to clean up the logging town of Sourdough Creek.

Genres: Animation| Music| Comedy| Western|

Slide : Details

Release Date: 2023-06-13

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 80
