Suddenly, Honolulu

Suddenly, Honolulu

Director's statement: "Another sketch in an ongoing look at transitions on Oahu, this time looking at places from my youth: my childhood home, theaters, malls, skate parks, nighttime beach parties, the state mental hospital, summer bon dances."

Release Date: 2016-12-31

Rating: 0 votes(0)

Suddenly, Honolulu : Trailer

Suddenly, Honolulu : Storyline

Director's statement: "Another sketch in an ongoing look at transitions on Oahu, this time looking at places from my youth: my childhood home, theaters, malls, skate parks, nighttime beach parties, the state mental hospital, summer bon dances."

Genres: Documentary|

Suddenly, Honolulu : Details

Release Date: 2016-12-31

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 3
