Lillie, a determined American woman, ventures overseas to join Dr. Jude at a remote medical mission in the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey). However, Lillie soon finds herself at odds with Jude and the mission’s founder, Woodruff, when she falls for the titular military man, Ismail, just as the war is about to erupt.
Release Date: 2017-03-28
Rating: 6.163 votes(249)
Lillie, a determined American woman, ventures overseas to join Dr. Jude at a remote medical mission in the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey). However, Lillie soon finds herself at odds with Jude and the mission’s founder, Woodruff, when she falls for the titular military man, Ismail, just as the war is about to erupt.
Tagline:In a land on the brink of war the most dangerous place to be is in love.
Release Date: 2017-03-28
Movie Revenue: $413844
Movie Runtime: 111
The Ottoman Lieutenant Box Office Collection: $40000000