Алтыншы бекет

Алтыншы бекет

Against the backdrop of a conflict between former friends, and now a soldier and a prisoner, events break out that will make them make a difficult choice. This choice changed the history and attitude to true heroism.

Release Date: 2018-10-18

Rating: 5 votes(1)

Алтыншы бекет : Trailer

Алтыншы бекет : Storyline

Against the backdrop of a conflict between former friends, and now a soldier and a prisoner, events break out that will make them make a difficult choice. This choice changed the history and attitude to true heroism.

Genres: Drama| Crime| History| War|

Алтыншы бекет : Details

Release Date: 2018-10-18

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 90
