

A horror-love story that takes place in Tel Aviv under threat of a nuclear war, between Penny; a lonely young girl who spends her time glued to the screen and the disturbing news, eating or sleeping, and Izzy; her mysterious and shy neighbor who peeps at her through the window.

Release Date: 2016-06-01

Rating: 8 votes(2)

מקק : Trailer

מקק : Storyline

A horror-love story that takes place in Tel Aviv under threat of a nuclear war, between Penny; a lonely young girl who spends her time glued to the screen and the disturbing news, eating or sleeping, and Izzy; her mysterious and shy neighbor who peeps at her through the window.

Genres: Animation| Horror| Romance| Science Fiction| War|

מקק : Details

Release Date: 2016-06-01

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 13
