سەمای ئەسپەکان

سەمای ئەسپەکان

The film is based on a true story. It talks about the end of War and defeat of forces and the relation between Kurds and Arabs by the end of 1991.

Release Date: 2015-09-13

Rating: 10 votes(1)

سەمای ئەسپەکان : Trailer

سەمای ئەسپەکان : Storyline

The film is based on a true story. It talks about the end of War and defeat of forces and the relation between Kurds and Arabs by the end of 1991.

Genres: Drama| Romance| War|

سەمای ئەسپەکان : Details

Release Date: 2015-09-13

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 82
