गोलमाल अगेन

गोलमाल अगेन

Gopal and his best friends are back again, and this time they move back to their old neighborhood in a new palatial house where they learn that it is being haunted by a ghost.

Release Date: 2017-10-20

Rating: 5.4 votes(86)

गोलमाल अगेन : Trailer

गोलमाल अगेन : Storyline

Gopal and his best friends are back again, and this time they move back to their old neighborhood in a new palatial house where they learn that it is being haunted by a ghost.

Tagline:No Logic, Only Magic

Genres: Comedy| Horror| Action| Fantasy|

गोलमाल अगेन : Details

Release Date: 2017-10-20

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 151
