దగ్గరగా దూరంగా

దగ్గరగా దూరంగా

Daggaraga Dooramga movie is romantic thriller based movie in which, Sumanth playing a role of Gautham who is working as creative director in Advertising agency, Vedhika playing a role of Meenakshi.

Release Date: 2011-08-26

Rating: 0 votes(0)

దగ్గరగా దూరంగా : Trailer

దగ్గరగా దూరంగా : Storyline

Daggaraga Dooramga movie is romantic thriller based movie in which, Sumanth playing a role of Gautham who is working as creative director in Advertising agency, Vedhika playing a role of Meenakshi.

దగ్గరగా దూరంగా : Details

Release Date: 2011-08-26

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 145
