アウトレイジ 最終章

アウトレイジ 最終章

Five years after the all-out war between the Sanno and Hanabishi crime families, former yakuza boss Otomo works in South Korea for Mr. Chang, a noted fixer. When tensions rise between Chang and the Hanabishi, and Chang's life is endangered, Otomo returns to Japan to settle things once and for all.

Release Date: 2017-10-07

Rating: 6.8 votes(159)

アウトレイジ 最終章 : Trailer

アウトレイジ 最終章 : Storyline

Five years after the all-out war between the Sanno and Hanabishi crime families, former yakuza boss Otomo works in South Korea for Mr. Chang, a noted fixer. When tensions rise between Chang and the Hanabishi, and Chang's life is endangered, Otomo returns to Japan to settle things once and for all.

Tagline:All out of control.

Genres: Action| Adventure| Crime| Thriller|

アウトレイジ 最終章 : Details

Release Date: 2017-10-07

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 104
