トリック劇場版 ラストステージ

トリック劇場版 ラストステージ

Trade company employee Shinichi recommends to Naoko and Jiro to go to a beautiful place abroad. There, Naoko and Jiro meets tribal shaman and sees through her tricks. The shaman has refused to leave her place.

Release Date: 2014-01-11

Rating: 7.4 votes(17)

トリック劇場版 ラストステージ : Trailer

トリック劇場版 ラストステージ : Storyline

Trade company employee Shinichi recommends to Naoko and Jiro to go to a beautiful place abroad. There, Naoko and Jiro meets tribal shaman and sees through her tricks. The shaman has refused to leave her place.

Genres: Mystery| Comedy|

トリック劇場版 ラストステージ : Details

Release Date: 2014-01-11

Movie Revenue: $8

Movie Runtime: 112
