

The film tells the story of five robot golems from different time and space. In order to escape the assassination claws of the other world against the biotechnology revolution, they fled to the earth and had their own lives. Years later, the other world sent a mysterious killer to assassinate the story.

Release Date: 2017-07-01

Rating: 0 votes(0)

機器魔偶 : Trailer

機器魔偶 : Storyline

The film tells the story of five robot golems from different time and space. In order to escape the assassination claws of the other world against the biotechnology revolution, they fled to the earth and had their own lives. Years later, the other world sent a mysterious killer to assassinate the story.

機器魔偶 : Details

Release Date: 2017-07-01

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 70
