기억의 밤

기억의 밤

Seoul, South Korea, 1997. When the young but extremely anxious student Jin-seok, his parents and his successful older brother Yoo-seok move to a new home, mysterious and frightening events begin to happen around them, unexplained events that threaten to ruin their seemingly happy lives. Unable to understand what is happening, Jin-seok wonders if he is losing his mind.

Release Date: 2017-11-29

Rating: 7.968 votes(1000)

기억의 밤 : Trailer

기억의 밤 : Storyline

Seoul, South Korea, 1997. When the young but extremely anxious student Jin-seok, his parents and his successful older brother Yoo-seok move to a new home, mysterious and frightening events begin to happen around them, unexplained events that threaten to ruin their seemingly happy lives. Unable to understand what is happening, Jin-seok wonders if he is losing his mind.

Tagline:Locked. Erased. Controlled. Isolated. Blurred.

Genres: Thriller| Mystery| Crime|

기억의 밤 : Details

Release Date: 2017-11-29

Movie Revenue: $9968972

Movie Runtime: 108
