마녀 2

마녀 2

A girl wakes up in a huge secret laboratory, then accidentally meets another girl who is trying to protect her house from a gang. The mystery girl overthrows the gang with her unexpected powers, and laboratory staff set out to find her.

Release Date: 2022-06-15

Rating: 7.11 votes(242)

마녀 2 : Trailer

마녀 2 : Storyline

A girl wakes up in a huge secret laboratory, then accidentally meets another girl who is trying to protect her house from a gang. The mystery girl overthrows the gang with her unexpected powers, and laboratory staff set out to find her.

Tagline:The beginning of everything.

Genres: Action| Mystery| Thriller| Science Fiction| Adventure|

마녀 2 : Details

Release Date: 2022-06-15

Movie Revenue: $23068596

Movie Runtime: 137
