멋진 하루

멋진 하루

Hee-soo is desperate for money and finds her ex-boyfriend who owes her money. He goes around to various ex-girlfriends to get cash and she trails along to make sure he does not cheat her.

Release Date: 2008-09-25

Rating: 6.739 votes(23)

멋진 하루 : Trailer

멋진 하루 : Storyline

Hee-soo is desperate for money and finds her ex-boyfriend who owes her money. He goes around to various ex-girlfriends to get cash and she trails along to make sure he does not cheat her.

Tagline:A strange journey with my ex.

Genres: Comedy| Romance| Drama|

멋진 하루 : Details

Release Date: 2008-09-25

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 123
