역모 - 반란의 시대

역모 - 반란의 시대

Ancient Korea, 1728. Swordsman Kim Ho, guard of King Yeong-jo of Joseon, is demoted and sent to work in Uigeumbu prison. When night falls, the prison is assaulted by the master warrior Do Man-cheol and his powerful henchmen for the purpose of freeing Lee In-jwa, who has been condemned to death for rising up in revolt against the king.

Release Date: 2017-11-23

Rating: 6.1 votes(21)

역모 - 반란의 시대 : Trailer

역모 - 반란의 시대 : Storyline

Ancient Korea, 1728. Swordsman Kim Ho, guard of King Yeong-jo of Joseon, is demoted and sent to work in Uigeumbu prison. When night falls, the prison is assaulted by the master warrior Do Man-cheol and his powerful henchmen for the purpose of freeing Lee In-jwa, who has been condemned to death for rising up in revolt against the king.

Tagline:I'll let nobody walk out alive!

Genres: Action| Drama| History|

역모 - 반란의 시대 : Details

Release Date: 2017-11-23

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 103
