

Song-young and Song-mi are sisters who came all the way from Seoul to celebrate their mother’s birthday. While spending the happiest moment in the world, Yoo Jae-ma, a notorious serial killer on the loose drops in. However the girls and their mother find out the truth behind his murders.

Release Date: 2017-12-14

Rating: 5 votes(2)

침입자 : Trailer

침입자 : Storyline

Song-young and Song-mi are sisters who came all the way from Seoul to celebrate their mother’s birthday. While spending the happiest moment in the world, Yoo Jae-ma, a notorious serial killer on the loose drops in. However the girls and their mother find out the truth behind his murders.

Tagline:Confrontation with a diabolical serial killer. Will they survive this severe night?

Genres: Drama| Romance| Crime|

침입자 : Details

Release Date: 2017-12-14

Movie Revenue: $0

Movie Runtime: 96
